Monday, September 22, 2008


Cleanliness is the absence of dirt, including dust, stains, bad smells and garbage. Purposes of cleanliness include health, beauty, absence of offensive odor, avoidance of shame, and to avoid the spreading of dirt and contaminants to oneself and others.Cleanliness is undoubtedly a virtue and is to be encouraged. Cleanliness is traditionally associated with good health, tidiness, and purity. However, to place Cleanliness next to Godliness is surely a bit perverse? In comparison with various other noble virtues, for example truth, generosity, courage, honesty, loyalty, wisdom, ingenuity, kindness ? Cleanliness, although good, is surely not that good!
The expression "Cleanliness is next to Godliness" also raises the question of what GODLINESS is. Presumably it is the situation of being Godley. Regardless of whether this is with Cream or not, it must mean "like (a) God". When someone quotes an aphorism to you and it sounds wise, don't just accept it! Question it!

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